
about us

our work







To Make a Donation

A donation is a simple and efficient way to demonstrate your support of The Cook-Rees Memorial Fund and its mission to make the water a safer place to work and play.

Donations are used in the Fund's ongoing work to increase water safety awareness and provide education, and by supporting the services and organisations Canadians rely on to provide water search and recovery.

Your contribution to the Fund is eligible for a Canadian tax receipt.


Alternately, please phone our office toll free at
1-866-872-8393, or send your cheque or money order to:

The Cook-Rees Memorial Fund
For Water Search And Safety
PO Box 21030
Stratford, Ontario
Canada N5A 7V4

The Cook-Rees Memorial Fund For Water Search And Safety is a registered charity. Our charitable registration number is 87530 0808 RR0001. For more information about registered charities, please visit the relevant pages on the Canada Revenue Agency website.

Note: All personal information and addresses submitted
to the Cook-Rees Memorial Fund are confidential.

Please see our Privacy Policy.

To Enjoy the Album

LIPT Cover....Another way to contribute to the work of the Fund is to purchase the album by Loreena McKennitt - Live In Paris & Toronto.
....Monies from each sale of this recording are dedicated directly to The Cook-Rees Memorial Fund.
....Click here for more info about the 2CD album, the opportunity to hear tracks from the recording, and a link to the Quinlan Road Shop for purchase.

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